Plenary meeting, panel sessions.

Work of scientific sections, panel sessions, roundtables, workshops, master-classes.

Final plenary meeting, adoption of the Resolution.

*The Organising Committee reserves the right to apply changes to the event agenda. Extended Agenda will be available in March-April 2025.

Scientific Program of the Congress

The scientific program will focus on the main topics announced at the plenary session by the key speakers. The plenary session will be followed by scientific sections, time for question sessions and poster presentations, panel sessions, conferences, master classes, and offsite venues.

  • Scientific Section No. 1

“Crisis of the International Sports Movement. Directions for Renewal and Development of the International Competition System”

  • Scientific Section No. 2

“Actualization of Philosophical, Sociological, Culturological, Axiological and Moral-Ethical Components of World Sport and the World “Sport for All” Movement”

  • Scientific Section No. 3

“Pedagogical and Scientific-Methodological Aspects of High-Performance Sport and Sports Reserve Training”

  • Scientific Section No. 4

“Pedagogical and Scientific-Methodological Aspects of Sport for All and Mass Physical Culture”

  • Scientific Section No. 5

“Psychological Support for High-Performance Sport”

  • Scientific Section No. 6

“Current Issues of Adaptive Physical Culture and Sport in the World Sports Movement”

  • Scientific Section No. 7

“Medical Issues of Athlete Preparation, Competition Support, Treatment and Rehabilitation”

  • Scientific Section No. 8

“Medical-Biological Support for Athlete Preparation”

  • Scientific Section No. 9

“Innovative Projects and Best Practices Aimed at the Harmonious Development of the Individual in National Systems of Physical Culture, Sports, Healthcare and Education”

  • Scientific Section No. 10

“Development of Training and Advanced Training of Specialists in the Sphere of Physical Culture and Sports in Modern Socio-Cultural Conditions.  Physical Culture in Higher Education Systems of Different Countries”

  • Scientific section No. 11

“Development of Specialised Physical Culture and Sports Infrastructure and Open Spaces, Safe and Accessible for All Population Groups and Social Strata”

  • Scientific Section No. 12

“Organisational, Legal and Resource Support for the World Sports Movement and the World “Sport for All” Movement”

  • Scientific Section No. 13

“Communications in Sport and Sports Diplomacy. The Role of the Media and Film Industry in Strengthening the Integrity of the World Sports Movement, Preserving Olympic Ideals and Principles, and Moral Values of World Sport”

  • Scientific Section No. 14

The State and Prospects of Development of Computer and Digital Sports. Digital Transformation of Physical Culture and Sport”

  • Scientific Section No. 15

“Current Issues of Sports Jurisprudence” 

  • Scientific Section No. 16

“Professional-Applied and Service-Applied Sports: Actual Issues, Innovative Approaches, Prospects”


“Legal issues of sports development under sanctions.”


“State policy in the field of promoting a healthy lifestyle.”


On the site of the “Center for Medical Accreditations” of the St. Petersburg State University Medical Institute (St. Petersburg, Korablestroiteley str., 20, 2nd floor).

Name Demonstrated actions The equipment used Room
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation, assistance in case of foreign body in the oral cavity/larynx Demonstration of assistance to the victim in case of ingestion of a foreign body into the respiratory tract, cardiopulmonary resuscitation to the victim in the absence of consciousness and breathing. Time: 10-15 minutes Full-grown adult simulation manikin (full-body patient simulator) for teaching cardiopulmonary resuscitation skills. Simulation manikin "choking Charlie", simulation manikin for practising the Heimlich technique 109
Emergency medical care for life-threatening conditions in sports (for medical professionals) Demonstration of providing emergency care to a patient (with a demonstration of the simulator's capabilities: ECG, defibrillation, saturation indicators, blood pressure and pulse, intravenous infusions) Time: 5-7 minutes Multifunctional robotic simulator of an adult patient 119
First aid for sports injuries (open fractures, dislocations) Demonstration of assistance for fractures and sprains. It will be shown where to apply a bandage, a tourniquet, how to fix splints. In which case you can transport the patient yourself, in which case not. Time: 10 minutes Bandages, tourniquets, a set for simulating injuries. 110
Medical "sorting" for multiple injuries of a large number of people (situations of man-made disasters) Explanation of sorting protocols. Visual demonstration of skin defects to determine the lesion group. The main purpose of such sorting is to ensure the fastest provision of medical care to the maximum number of wounded and sick people in need Conference hall
Laparoscopic surgery on the knee and elbow joint Demonstration of laparoscopic interventions. Manipulations on the shoulder, hip and knee joints. More than 70 practical tasks with normal and pathologically altered intra-articular anatomy. Time: 10 minutes Arthroscopic Virtual Simulator 113